Friday, April 06, 2007

and now, for a blog entry in cockney rhyming slang.
yesterday i was drinking my chewy toffee and eating some Holy ghost when the dog and bone rang. it was my China, kind of a Joe soap. he was elephants and started Duke of Corking about his Dutch. turns out she found someone's Dickie Dirt in his jam jar and called him a Ginger and went to her skin and blister's. "Don't pipe your eye. Open your minces, step away from the Mother's ruin, and use your crust!" i said. "She's a dunlop tyre. I bet she's been hit and missing (not to mention plating) some Richard the Third. Now go take a hit and miss [the second meaning], put on your weasel, brush your Barnet, put on your canoes, walk down the apples and pears, and stick your boat in some Toe Rag's Bristols." He said he wanted to be Tod though, so i told him his Trouble was right and he was an Iron.


Blogger Angela said...

This has nothing to do with your entry (which, I might add, I spent a good five minutes or so deciphering). I am checking this piece about the new Ritz-Carlton in Beijing, and I wanted to let you know: I realized that I am marginally more familiar with Beijing than I otherwise would be thanks to this and your other blog.

6:09 PM  
Blogger annie said...

you are my hero.

7:20 PM  

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