Wednesday, January 10, 2007

although i have already added it as a link among my friends' blogs on the side of this page, i would just like to draw further attention to my friend carmen's blog. this is only in part because i promised her that my linking her would bring "scores and scores" of readers her way. it's also because i just read it, and it is really good. writing a blog about your travels, or especially just about living in a foreign country, it can be really hard to distinguish what facts are interesting to your readers, and what is just the maniacal ranting of a sinophile. i would like to commend carmen for doing an excellent job picking out stories that are both informative to those not familiar with the ways of china (and the other places she goes) and interesting to people who have lived here for a while. and kudos for using her own name in the blogs title, though i think the supreme prize for that goes to her boyfriend Philip (who i have also linked and whose blog is also excellent), for using his full name as the address of his blog. as he is heading out of china shortly, he will be safe from the viscious claws of the CCP, but either way, if he's offended someone they'll know where to find him.
in my life, things are looking up- we are going to get cable! cable cable cable! while this will mean a small monthly fee, it will also save me loads of money buying dvds that i'll prob just throw away after one viewing. also, i'd been feeling bad because i speak so much english with my new chinese friend dan-dan, but i discovered yesterday that she lived in holland for five years. as in, i'm not a complete dimwhit for not having chinese that is as good as her english. there's hope for me yet! and i'm going to an ice sculpture festival this weekend, which should be cold but cool.


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