Saturday, May 01, 2010

Another NYC Blog is back, baby! Now that I am out of ny, i again have a reason to update this blog. So I'm currently in Hong Kong, where I'll be hanging out for the week before heading over to taiwan. I wasn't that excited about going to hong kong, as i think it is more of a city for living in than for visiting, but i had to leave a week between arriving in hong kong and going to taiwan in case my visa didn't work out. So far, its been pretty eh. I got in at around 2 yesterday (2 pm hong kong time, 2 am new york time). My flight had been awesome, and its actually the first time in about 5 years that i would consider using an airline for a second time. Cathay Pacific. They served a lot of meals, which were pretty tasty, and the movie and tv choices were amazing. I slept for most of the flight, because i only got an hour of sleep the night before, and the seats also had a cool way of reclining by sliding the bottom of the seat forward rather than tilting the back, which meant that i didn't have the seat in front of my in my face the whole time.
So I took the Airport Express from the airport to my hostel, and that all went very smoothly, which was nice because i was a bit anxious on arrival to hong kong, a moment of what the hell am i doing traveling by myself in a strange country where i don't know anyone. i was happy that it was still light out, and the shady hostel was much how i expected, even down to the fact that they told me i had to sleep on the floor, even though i had booked the hostel months in advance. That had actually also happened to me the last time i was in Hong Kong, so it almost seemed normal.
I went to sleep at around 9, and woke up at 630 ready for action. Unfortunately, Hong Kong isn't really that kind of city, so i waited around until 830 for another of my hostel mates to wake up, and then finally decided just to head out on my own. I walked all over the kowloon area where my hostel is, which mostly consisted of looking through lots of shops. I returned to my hostel around 11:30 excited to take a nap, as my excursion had thoroughly exhausted me. Unfortunately, the nap was not to be. They told me that I was upgraded to sleeping on one of the bunkbeds, and as I walked over to check it out, i notice a bed bug on the floor under the bed. I remembered that the girl who had been sleeping there had mentioned getting lots of bites on her feet, and although she had not thought it was bedbugs, i think she was wrong. So, bleh. I took the ferry and then the trolley over to the hostel i had booked for the remaining nights, to see if they had room for me tonight. They did, and so I took the trolley and the ferry back, picked up my stuff, tried to get my money refunded and failed, and then took the mta over to the new hostel.
The new hostel is not that much nicer, and it costs 20 a night instead of 7. As I was settling in, one of my roommates came in the room, and we started chatting. She said that she had stayed in the hostel for several nights, but this was only her second night in this room. When i asked why she had switched rooms, she said that she had bed bugs in the other room. Fuck! She said she hadn't been bitten last night though, so hopefully this room is okay. I am really regretting not giving myself a shorter turnover in hong kong; i'll be here till friday. but whatever, if you were never down, how would you know when you were up, right?


Anonymous Cheap Hotels said...

Hostels can prove indispensable to those traveling alone as they become meeting places for like-minded travelers.

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9:28 PM  

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