Monday, February 25, 2008

so, the bookstore is closed. it's funny, when i first heard about it, i was mostly just glad that i would be able to end my employment naturally, and not have to quit and leave them in the lurch. and as the final day approached, i looked forward to having my weekends free (working saturday and sunday nights was really starting to get old.) and i got pretty callused to having 30-40 people a day tell me how sad they were that the store was closing. after a while, i didn't have the energy for a heartfelt "yeah." but it is sad. it really didn't hit me until the last day when we had locked our door and were boxing the books. i saw how sad jim, one of the owners, looked as he looked around the store. as robert, one of my coworkers, said, "you don't open a store thinking that it will close in 4 years." that's the reason that entrepreneurship has always scared me; it's so awful to have to admit that something you poured your heart into has turned out a failure. luckily the other branch still seems to be doing okay, so it's more like downsizing than truly going bust. but i really care about the people involved in the store, and i hate to see how hurt they have been by the whole thing. so pour a little beer for park slope books, and then go buy some books from the heights store. support small businesses!


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