Wednesday, August 30, 2006

to further incriminate myself (because unlike JK but Serious, the purpose of my blog is to destroy all personal and business relationships), i will confess to my readers that yesterday while i was working at the bookstore my boss found out that i have a blog, for the unbelievably stupid reason that i brought it up myself, and asked me for the address. my mind immediately rushed to my last entry, in which i believe i made a few cutting remarks about the managing of the store. but don't worry- thinking quickly, i wrote not "", but "". if this actually is a running website, then i hope they appreciate the traffic i've brought them. if not, i hope he doesn't think to try nyc. if you are reading this Jim, sorry. I love the bookstore and I never meant any of it. hakuna matata.


Blogger Jason said...

Hi Amanda. It's me, Jim. You're dooced.


7:48 AM  

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