FYI- I earn the same amount every month as migrant laborers. Just something to brighten up your day if you're feeling like you're not earning much.
Well, since I've started this update, i might as well continue. Went to see the highly-touted performance by world-famous DJ Sasha friday night. i've never heard of the dude (embarassingly, didn't even know it was a dude), but i had a free ticket, so i went. the whole thing was a disaster- sasha failed to show up, something the management decided not to announce until about 3 o'clock, up until which time they were charging 300 kuai, double the advertised ticket price, for entry into the club. service was terrible, and my roommate sliced her finger open on a shoddily constructed banister. as i hate blood, the sight of this nearly made me vomit. i didn't, though.
we figured out that sasha wasn't coming a few minutes before it was announced, so we were somewhat near the front of the line to get our stuff out of the coatcheck. unfortunately, the coatcheck people weren't prepared for the onslaught of angry people wanting their coats that ensued. and i, pressed into the mass somewhere near the front, nearly freaked out as i felt the crowd behind me getting angrier and angrier. i guess i should have known that a crowd in beijing is still composed of a bunch of losers who would never start a fight, but it didn't feel that way at the time. i was sure a full-fledged riot was going to break out. i got my stuff as quickly as i could, and got the hell out of there. had a small panic attack. all in all, not such a happy night.
Well, since I've started this update, i might as well continue. Went to see the highly-touted performance by world-famous DJ Sasha friday night. i've never heard of the dude (embarassingly, didn't even know it was a dude), but i had a free ticket, so i went. the whole thing was a disaster- sasha failed to show up, something the management decided not to announce until about 3 o'clock, up until which time they were charging 300 kuai, double the advertised ticket price, for entry into the club. service was terrible, and my roommate sliced her finger open on a shoddily constructed banister. as i hate blood, the sight of this nearly made me vomit. i didn't, though.
we figured out that sasha wasn't coming a few minutes before it was announced, so we were somewhat near the front of the line to get our stuff out of the coatcheck. unfortunately, the coatcheck people weren't prepared for the onslaught of angry people wanting their coats that ensued. and i, pressed into the mass somewhere near the front, nearly freaked out as i felt the crowd behind me getting angrier and angrier. i guess i should have known that a crowd in beijing is still composed of a bunch of losers who would never start a fight, but it didn't feel that way at the time. i was sure a full-fledged riot was going to break out. i got my stuff as quickly as i could, and got the hell out of there. had a small panic attack. all in all, not such a happy night.